This article was originally shared on English as a second language is becoming more and more competitive. Due to the weight the language carries in the modern, professional world, speaking English is fast becoming less of a benefit and more of an essential, or even basic, requirement when looking for a job in Europe. Approximately 2 …
You may want to sit down for this because you are about to find out your Germanic mother gave birth to another language. That’s right. In the north of the Netherlands there is a province called Friesland, and the language they speak bears an uncanny resemblance to English. If you are confused right now, you …
Just because Brits, Americans and Australians speak the same language, it doesn’t always mean that we can understand each other! Each country has its own unique brand of slang and colloquial expression that becomes part of the common vernacular, so if you want to talk like a true Brit, then pay attention to our list …