Want to learn Portuguese in 400 words? Whether you are simply interested in knowing the basics, or you are on the road to fluency, this guide might be just the tool you were looking for. Of course to really know a language you will need to know much more, but most of our core communication …
Learning a new language is basically a rollercoaster of emotions, discoveries and frustrations. No matter what language you have chosen upon, certain things are just bound to happen. How many of these things do you recognize? 1. You get super excited when you see your target language somewhere 2. And you try to eavesdrop the …
If there was a type of potion that would magically improve your foreign language skills, would you take it? Turns out the answer had been right in front of us the whole time. Anyone who has ever learned a foreign language and then had a conversation in that language while under the influence of alcohol …
We all know every language has their own words, but even sounds are described differently around the world! Here is a list of 35 languages and how they translate the “knock knock” sound. Albanian – “Tak Tak” Arabic (Morocco) – “Dak Dak” Arabic (Syria) – “Taq Taq” / “Taa Taa” Bulgarian – ” чук …
Are you interested in learning a new language? Or do you have a friend that desperately needs to get down the basics of yours? Whether you are simply interested in knowing the basics, or you are on the road to fluency, this guide might be just the tool you were looking for. Of course to …
Are you interested in learning a new language? Or do you have a friend that desperately needs to get down the basics of yours? Whether you are simply interested in knowing the basics, or you are on the road to fluency, this guide might be just the tool you were looking for. Of course to …