The benefits of learning a second language are vast. No matter the age, people who understand and speak other languages boost their brain power, memory skills, and critical thinking in addition to many social and cultural benefits.
Today, learning another language is far easier than classroom studies or repetitious “repeat after me” tools. Language learning should be, first and foremost, fun. Thus, we’ve found a great collection of activities to help everyone have fun while learning a new language.
Here are seven language learning activities for people of all ages.
Watch Foreign Films
Watching and listening to native speakers is an excellent tool for mastering a foreign language. If you can’t travel at the moment, though, foreign films make an excellent substitute.
There are several ways to watch foreign movies. The easiest is to switch the language settings on whatever service you use. Turn the subtitles to English for additional help. However, unless the film is in that native language, the dialogue won’t align with the mouths on screen.
For true language immersion, find foreign films and watch them for study. Pay attention to facial gestures and mouth movements. Also, take notes on the speed of speech.
Foreign films are available at most streaming services. YouTube is one such service, with many complete foreign films watchable on the platform right now. Give it a shot and dive into your new language.
Apps for Convenience
Sometimes, we don’t have time to sit and enjoy an activity. However, language learning takes consistency and patience. What are we to do?
Try a language learning app! There are apps for learning countless languages, and several are both user-friendly and easy to use. Many language learning apps use fun rewards and game systems to make learning fun and meaningful.
Not every app is free, and many feature unique or specific features that draw in users. Plus, not every app will fit everyone’s learning style. Try different apps until you find one that matches how you best learn. There’s an app for everyone to add supplemental learning to their language routines.
Foreign Games
Games are a great way to combine fun and language learning. Spelling-based games like Scrabble and Mad Libs provide a perfect platform to use your target language. Scrabble offers tile values for other languages, and many other games are available in different languages.
There are even games designed around language learning. Polyglot and Kloo provide a fun twist on language learning. Perfect for kids and adults, these games help beginners gain an impressive knowledge of a language.
Consider flashcards for younger and beginning learners. Flashcards in a target language help learners understand familiar words and phrases. As well, they’re handy enough to carry just about anywhere.
Aside from standard flashcard practice, the cards also make a great matching game, memory game, and study aid.
Travel and Cultural Immersions
Immersing yourself in a foreign culture is one of the best ways to study a language. Indeed, the longer you stay, the more language knowledge you gain from everyone around you.
While traveling, take the time to read and speak in the native language. Embark on cultural tours and learn the history. Cultural immersion allows you to understand the history of the culture behind your target language. That knowledge is often key to mastering a language.
Journaling and Creative Writing
The best way to get better at something is to practice it. Learning a language is no exception. The most effective tool to improve your foreign reading and writing is to simply write!
Start a foreign journal and practice with creative writing prompts. Translate English prompts into your target language. Or, find foreign prompts and get to work, if you’re ready!
Once your writing skills improve, adjust your writing to larger and more complex styles. Write stories, pen essays, and craft letters to friends. The more you read and write in another language, the quicker you will learn.
Read, Read, Read
With writing comes reading. And at every level of language learning, reading is a fundamental tool in mastering a language.
Reading is the ultimate way to see how languages exist, from children’s stories to full-length novels. Reading the written word teaches vocabulary, grammar, accent placement, and more. Without that knowledge, learners won’t fully grasp the language.
Don’t stop at books and stories, though. Read everything in your target language. Look at song lyrics, recipes, and even comic books to boost your reading skills.
Find a Foreign Pen Pal
Learning a language doesn’t have to be a lonely task. In fact, speaking with a native speaker is invaluable in learning a language.
In today’s world of global connectivity, new friends are often a click away. Finding a pen pal is easier today than it ever has been. Sites like InterPals offer millions of potential friends to speak with and have plenty of language learning once you get started.
Talking to someone in a foreign language is a little daunting. Consider using prewritten phrases until you’re comfortable. This printable list of questions in Spanish and French makes great icebreakers to start the conversation.
Final Thoughts
Incorporate language learning into as many aspects of your life as possible. From watching movies to reading a recipe, use your language skills and hone your comprehension.
Use apps for convenience, journal your studies, and find friends, near or far, to help you learn the language. That extra help, especially from a foreign pen pal, greatly benefits mastering a language.
No matter what activities you find to help you learn, they should never feel like a chore. Have fun when you learn a language, and your comprehension will become that much stronger.
This article was written by Rachel Perez
Rachel is an Outreach Associate with North Star Inbound. An honors graduate of New York University, she contributes to home improvement, landscaping, and renovation pieces. When not writing, she enjoys gardening with her mom and spending time in the Florida sunshine.